Volume 2, Issue No. 8

The Impactful Teacher

As the academic year comes to a close, we hope teachers will take some time to reflect on their impact on the children in their communities. Teachers are leaders; advocating for change and progress for young people everywhere. This issue explores research that highlights the ways teachers make impact each day.

  • Leading the Charge: Incorporating Popular Music in Curriculum

    When music teachers consider expanding their curriculum to include popular music, sometimes they struggle with where to begin. This article provides insight to the concerns, attitudes, and barriers that are slowing progress toward inclusive instruction.

  • Six Things You Can Do In Your Studio To Help Your Students Discover Their Voice

    Developing how you teach, not just what you teach, can be the key to more independent learning in the applied studio.

  • Just One of the Guys: Does Gender Affect Your Festival Rating?

    More and more female high school band directors are on the scene. While it seems that things are getting better with regard to gender bias, we may still have a way to go.

  • When Teachers Walk Through the Door - New Teachers, Take Note

    Do you sometimes experience a lack of motivation? Lamartine offers ten helpful tips in this article to keep you energized before starting your day in the classroom.

  • Creativity in Concert: Centering Creative Musicianship in the Orchestra Classroom

    Miller encourages ensemble teachers to incorporate a broad range of learning opportunities to address student creativity, musicianship, and musical experience. Miller presents a common scenario where ensemble teachers introduce a project/assignment that encourages student creativity, however, the project/assignment is often a separate experience from the ensemble rehearsal/performance. Miller offers several pathways to merge creative musicianship experiences and rehearsal/performance together.


    Bias is still an issue that female high school band directors struggle with when they take their ensembles to festival. We discuss this phenomena and a more inclusive ideal for the future.