Issue No. 2

Embracing Diverse and Progressive Pedagogy

In this issue, we share articles that promote diversity in our pedagogy and curriculum to better suit the widespread needs of our students.

  • Integrating Cantonese nursery rhymes in early childhood music classrooms: A lesson for learning music, language, and culture

    Discover the musical and cultural significance of Cantonese nursery rhymes, and how they can enhance your curriculum.

  • Scientists May Have Figured Out How We Decipher Lyrics from Tunes

    Neuroscientists find that speech content occurs simultaneously in the left side of the brain and melodic content in the right side.

  • What About the Other 80%

    This article describes barriers that may explain why instrumental music program membership is underrepresented when compared to whole school student populations. The authors offer some considerations for addressing those barriers, and how we may move forward to be more inclusive.

  • Steps to Developing the Singing Voice

    This article highlights seven important areas in developing the singing voice. The researchers use these steps as a tool in starting healthy singing habits.

  • Recruiting and Retaining Black and Latinx Students in String Orchestra Programs

    Recruiting and Retaining Black and Latinx Students in String Orchestra Programs exposes the under-representation of Black and Latinx students in string orchestra programs across the county.


    We discuss Mike’s Riff on Culp & Clauhs’ 2020 article on factors influencing participation in secondary music education. We discuss issues such as elitism of secondary ensembles, cross-curricular applications, and modern band as an emerging inclusive ensemble alternative, and other inherent problems with equity and access.