Cantonese Nursery Rhymes: Lessons for learning Music, Language, and Culture

Pan, Y. (2021). Integrating Cantonese Nursery Rhymes Into Early Childhood Music Classrooms: A Lesson for Learning Music, Language, and Culture. General Music Today

Discover the musical and cultural significance of Cantonese nursery rhymes, and how they can enhance your curriculum.

  • Overview

    Integrating Cantonese nursery rhymes in early childhood music classrooms: A lesson for learning music, language, and culture provides detailed examples for incorporating Cantonese music in the classroom. Written as a response to multicultural learning, the author intends to encourage, inspire, and assist educators who are embracing cultural diversity through their instruction.

  • So what?

    Diversifying curriculum to be representative of our students is of upmost importance to many music educators. According to Pan, Cantonese is one of the primary languages used in Chinatowns throughout the United States. There is repertoire in several different genres from opera to nursery rhymes that use Cantonese language. This article gives a detailed lesson plan for teaching a Cantonese nursery rhyme whose title translates to “Bright Moonlight.”

  • Meg's Riff

    The arise of movements like Stop Asian Hate in the United States reminds us of the importance of incorporating Asian and Asian-American history, culture, and music in curriculum. This article gives teachers who are not Chinese-identifying the tools necessary to embark on this work, particularly with Chinese culture. The article comes complete with repertoire, music in Cantonese language, translations, objectives, lesson plans, and historical and cultural contexts. This article is a must-have, particularly for elementary general music teachers!