Volume 3, Issue No. 4

  • Student Interests in Elementary Classroom Music

    In this article, authors model an example of “research-to-practice” for elementary classroom music teachers who wish to investigate their students’ interests and how they can be incorporated in music curriculum.

  • Play Who You Need To Play

    Recordings of great performances can be as informative as the written score.

  • Who Takes Music With Them When They Transition to High School?

    As a high school music educator, I was always concerned when it came to attrition rates from middle school to high school. You, too, may find the data to be of interest!

  • Singing Success Representing Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

    The authors of this article use interview questions to provide readers with insight into how many Primarily Undergraduate Institutions have successful choral programs.

  • Engaging With Film and Video Game Music: Perceptions of a Studio Orchestra Experience

    Haines investigates ensemble members’ perception of their studio orchestra experiences in a quantitative study of collegiate musicians. This study sparks further discussions about how a student-led studio orchestra construct can enhance musicians’ experience. Unlike most traditional collegiate orchestras, this particular study’s studio orchestra “collaborate, compose, arrange, record, and perform original compositions designed for film, video games, and other works from popular culture” (Haines, 2023, p. 1).