Volume 3, Issue No. 1
New Year, New You: Fresh Approaches for Music Making, Research, and Advocacy.
Learning Through Drawings: Understanding our Youngest Learners
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” What can we learn from children’s pictures of the music classroom?
How a Research-to-Practice Initiative in Neuroaesthetics Plans to Transform Health
Increasingly, evidence is emerging that demonstrates the positive health, economic and social benefits the arts has on a person. Neuroarts is an emerging field of research studying how the arts affect the brain, body, and behavior.
Same Story, New Study. What will we do about it?
Promoting equity begins with awareness. The numbers don’t change (much), but they are always staggering to see nonetheless. We all can all play a role locally when it comes to equity and access. We just need to know in which conversations to engage (and with whom).
Vocal Technique and the Choral Warmup: First Steps
Why do we use the warmups we do? McCarther shares the importance of having a step-by-step process for identifying the needs and concerns of your choir regarding warmups.
Let's Get Social: Starting And Maintaining Social Media Accounts For Your Orchestra
Davis presents the benefits of using social media to keep stakeholders aware of your music program, create/promote a brand, and to frame learning progress as a story. Many students are spending a lot of time on social media. This is an opportunity for educators to share information and highlight student progress within a space often visited by students and families.