Volume 2, Issue No. 2
ABC’s in Music Ed: Advocacy, Building, and Competition
A is for Advocate, B is for Build a program, C is for Competition, D is for Democratic practices, E is for Evolve …
Which words from this issue resonate with you?
Elementary General Music: The Parent Perspective
In this qualitative, multiple case study, parents in Western New York reveal their thoughts about elementary classroom music.
Two Ways to Increase Creativity in Music Competitions
This article looks at multiple studies around creativity and around competitions.
Competition and The Great Refusal
Competition in one form or another exists in the DNA of music programs. If we aren’t trying to win trophies, we are in competition with ourselves or each other to put on “the perfect performance.” This philosophical article examines the nature of competition and music educators’ possible response in the future.
Democratic Approach for the Choral Ensemble: Repertoire Choice and Rehearsal Design
Ever thought of the teacher versus student dynamic in your rehearsal room? What about the student who always gives repertoire recommendations that have been turned down or dismissed? Jordan shares how allowing his students to join the repertoire process has changed the classroom dynamic.
Preparing your Students for a Successful College Audition
Preparing your students for a successful college audition is a guide to helping students transition to their next phase of learning beyond secondary school. Yvonne Lam brings up the following points for consideration, researching teachers, choosing repertoire, practicing, dealing with performance anxiety, mock auditions, audition day, and a timeline.
This in this episode, we were joined by Hali Shepard to unpack her research on parent perspectives of elementary general music.