Volume 2, Issue No. 1


Elitism, Equity, and the many topics in-between. This issue of The Research Riff highlights trending studies that are thought-provoking and action-inspiring.

  • Music Teachers in Asylum Seeker Centers: What can we Learn?

    This article documents the experiences of four music teachers as they facilitate group-sing sessions in asylum-seeker centers.

  • Diversity Initiatives in Music for Kids May Unintentionally Affirm Racism

    A children’s choir project in Germany sought to diversify its participants. Did it find racial harmony, or was something else happening? This article looks at what may lie beneath.

  • Does music education have a poverty problem?

    This literature review reveals some areas in which we can and should be better when it comes to serving students living in poverty.

  • We Hold These Truths

    Diversity, equity, inclusion, and access continue to be discussed in every realm. How do we, as choral instructors, ensure we provide for all?

  • Confronting Racial Trauma in the Music Classroom

    Educators continue to display macro- and micro-aggression even when they mean well. What is an antiracist pedagogy?


    In this episode, we explore Derrick's Riff on a new column in the ACDA Choral Journal devoted to social justice.