6 Tools to Increase DEIB in Your Voice Studio
Benson, E.A., Robinson-Martin, T., & Lee Naismith, M. (2022). Practicing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Singing Voice Studio. Voice and Speech Review, 16(2), 166-179. DOI: 10.1080/23268263.2021.1964723
This article examines white fragility, implicit bias, and culpability in the collegiate voice studio. It also recommends antiracist tools for applied instructors.
The authors look at matters of antiracism within the increased visibility of the Black Lives Matter movement during the early part of the Covid-19 pandemic. They suggest decentering classical music as the standard musical genre for studying.
In the article, teachers are asked to challenge actively racial inequalities. This includes practicing “true inclusion” by equally respecting and celebrating all varieties of music, cultures, and people.
So What?
A list of tools is presented to help teachers increase equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in the applied voice studio: (1) embracing intentional pedagogical practices; (2) avoiding cultural appropriation or cultural approximation; (3) continuing to seek education; (4) acknowledging one’s areas of excellence, knowing what is beyond the scope of one’s expertise, and having the courage to ask for help; (5) naming courses and programs accurately; and (6) developing an equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging statement for the voice studio. These six tools are offered as a starting point for voice teachers to engage in antiracist pedagogical practices.
Mojo's Riff
Institutional racism is a widespread problem in higher education, particularly in the Eurocentric models perpetuated in the applied voice studio. This article acknowledges this and affirms that teachers can take meaningful steps to nurture antiracist pedagogy in their own studios. The authors remind us that individual steps can make all the difference for the students with whom we engage on a regular basis.