Why You Need to Add Improvisation to Your Choir Rehearsals

Siljamäki, E. (2021). Free improvisation in choral settings: An ecological perspective. Research Studies in Music Education. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1321103X20985314

Instrumentalists improvise in many different settings. But what happens when singers improvise in a choral setting? Using techniques from improvisational theatre, an adult choir applied free vocal improvisation as a way to explore creative learning on the personal and social levels.

  • Overview

    Eeva Siljamaki did an ethnographic study with observations of and interviews with members of an adult choir in Finland to explore social and educational outcomes of engaging in free improvisation in a choir setting. The three major outcomes were that individuals were able to develop a sense of well-being, build social skills, and foster musical agency.

  • So what?

    The findings point to the importance of focusing on the social process of musicking to dismantle inhibiting behaviors and empower individuals through collaborations. The participants were able to create a safe space where they could playfully explore their vocal instruments. Under these conditions, anyone can deepen their awareness of their innate creative musical potential, no matter how much formal training they may have.

  • Mojo's Riff

    Working through the discomfort of the unknown with the process of improvisation can be a pedagogical tool for well-being in musical spaces. Free improvisation could provide methods to better understand how to construct safe learning environments across music educational contexts.