Spotlight on Male Elementary General Music Teachers
Bulgren, C. W. (2021). The Characteristics and Career Influences of Male Elementary General Music Teachers. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 227, 45–65. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/bulcouresmusedu.227.0045
In this study, 140 male-identifying elementary general music teachers were surveyed to better understand the paths they took towards a field where the teachers are predominantly female-identifying. Findings from this study suggest that male-identifying teachers take “circuitous routes” before teaching elementary general music. Several respondents held prior music education jobs, while some had entirely different careers beforehand. Interestingly, 42.86% of the teachers surveyed were instrumentalists.
This study confirmed previous research that many teachers cite their high-school music teacher as their greatest influence. This could be be the reason why many male-identifying teachers begin their studies with plans of teaching in a secondary school. As a result, the authors suggest that teacher-preparation programs should encourage instrumentalist majors to take an elementary general methods music course. Additionally, a recommendation is made that practicing teachers should assist in identifying future elementary general music teachers. Furthermore, they should frame it as a viable option for male-identifying students.
So what?
Although elementary general music is a seemingly feminized profession, male-identifying teachers should consider the impact they might have on young musicians. In addition to the authors recommendation for secondary teachers to encourage students to consider elementary positions, practicing teachers should make extra effort to support male-identifying practicing and pre-service teachers in their program.
Meg's Riff
Although this article focuses specifically on male-identifying teachers in elementary settings, I appreciate the reminder to check-in with colleagues regularly. Give a little extra love to the teachers who might be negotiating larger social issues in their position. And if you identify as one of those people, don’t forget to check-in with yourself, too!