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Nix, J., Jers, H. & Ternström, S. (2020). Acoustical, psychoacoustical, and pedagogical considerations for choral singing with covid-19 health measures. Choral Journal (61) 3, 30-38.

With the continuous changes of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensemble directors are unsure of how to move forward safely. This article provides four methods of reducing the risk of spreading the virus among your ensemble members.

  • What will the future be like?

    Will you be returning to in-person choral instruction during the Fall? Will you need to continue to adhere to CDC guidelines even after receiving the vaccine? If so, your choral rehearsals or performances may look and sound differently than before. These changes will require some adjustments that will impact the sound within the choir and to your audience, along with vocal production.

  • How can we eliminate the spread during rehearsals and performances?

    In this article, the researchers provide us with four methods of reducing COVID-19 risk while gathering together to sing, including singing outdoors, increasing physical distance, increasing ventilation if indoors, and wearing a mask. While the researchers stress the importance of following healthy safety measures, they also notice the impact this may have on the voice and the overall sound of the ensemble providing tools to help enhance the quality of the singing experience.

  • Derrick’s Riff

    While we are all eager to return to in-person singing and attending live performances, it is essential for us as choral musicians to be aware of what may come moving back to this setting. This article will allow you to ponder and prepare for the questions and scenarios that may come across as we all say hello again to our choral rehearsal rooms and performance spaces.